1. | Stone properties and weathering phenomena of the Miocene Cusano Limestones (a.k.a. Perlato Royal Coreno): the case of the basement of the Santa Chiara Monastery bell tower (Naples – Italy) AnnA ClAudiA AngrisAni, domEniCo CAlCAtErrA, AbnEr ColEllA and mAurizio dE’ gEnnAro |
2. | Mapping of the stones in the main façade of St. Giuliana castle (Umbertide, Italy) BarBara Giammartini |
3. | Spectroscopic characterization of a sepiolite-based Maya Blue pigment RobERto GiustEtto, Kalaivani sEEnivasan and silvia boRdiGa |
4. | The source of stone building materials from the Pompeii archaeological area and its surroundings Pia KastEnmEiEr, Giovanni Di maio, GiusEPPina BalassonE, maria Boni, miChaEl JoaChimsKi and niCola monDillo |
5. | Colour and composition of nodules from the Calabrian clay deposits: a possible raw material for pigments production in Magna Graecia DomEniCo miriEllo, AnDrEA BloisE, AnnA mAriA DE FrAnCEsCo, Gino miroClE CrisCi, FrAnCEsCo ChiArAvAlloti, DonAtEllA BArCA, mAuro FrAnCEsCo lA russA and ElisA mArAsCo |
6. | Mineralogical, petrographic and chemical analyses for the study of the canvas “Cristo alla Colonna“ from Cosenza, Italy: a case study SilvEStro A. ruffolo, MAuro f. lA ruSSA, DonAtEllA BArCA, AntonEllA CASoli, vAlEriA CoMitE, GiAnluCA nAvA, Gino M. CriSCi, AnnA M. DE frAnCESCo and DoMEniCo MiriEllo |
7. | Archaeometric study of sub-geometric pottery found in Potenza, Italy: relationship and trade between near indigenous centers RobERta SCaRpElli, anna MaRia DE FRanCESCo, FRanCESCo pERRi, MaSSiMo oSanna, luCia ColangElo, DoMEniCo MiRiEllo, MauRo F. la RuSSa, DonatElla baRCa and gino M. CRiSCi |
8. | Petrographic features, genesis and provenance of Pietra Paesina collections of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin, Italy MarghErita SErra, alESSandro Borghi, lorEnzo Mariano gallo, roBErt hovoriC and gloria vaggElli |
9. | Italica (Seville, Spain): use of local marble in Augustan age Patrizia tuCCi, Giovanna MarrEsE, anGEl Polvorinos and EttorE azzaro |