1. | Adherence of lactobacilli to intestinal mucosa and their antagonistic activity against pathogens MARIANA-CARMEN BALOTESCU, LIA MARA PETRACHE |
2. | Agricultural biowaste as resources for fodder yeast additives development GABRIELA BAHRIM |
3. | Correlative effect of solid media on yellow pigmentogenesis at an Epicoccum sp. strain GABRIELA BAHRIM, F. ŞOPTICĂ |
4. | The cytogenetic study of different sunflower’s genotypes ANA CAPATANA |
5. | Probiotic Product Based on Pollen and Honey VAMANU EMANUEL, POPA OVIDIU, DRUGULESCU MANUEL, VAMANU ADRIAN |
6. | Preparation of an Elastin–Collagen Artificial Matrix. Evaluation of Its Structure and Biocompatibility OANA CRACIUNESCU, LUCIA MOLDOVAN, WANDA BUZGARIU, OTILIA ZARNESCU, D. BOJIN, G.L. RADU |
7. | Evaluation of fermentative activities of different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in bread dough JELENA DODIĆ, DUŠANKA PEJIN, STEVAN POPOV, SINIŠA DODIĆ, JASNA MASTILOVIĆ, VLADIMIR PUŠKAŠ, JOVANKA POPOV-RALJIĆ |
8. | Comparison of cell disruption methods for a recombinant Escherichia coli strain D. LETCA, C. HEMMERLING, M. WALTER, K. BUCHOLZ |