1. | Garnet crystal growth in sheared metapelites (southern Calabria – Italy): relationships between isolated porphyroblasts and coalescing euhedral crystals EugEnio FAzio, rosolino cirrincionE and Antonino PEzzino |
2. | Growth of Hydroxyapatite crystals from solutions with pH controlled by novel vapor diffusion techniques. Effects of temperature and of the acidic phosphoprotein osteopontin on crystals growth roberto MAzzè |
3. | Characterization of metallic artefacts from the Iron Age culture in Campania (Italy): a multi-analytical study GiuseppinA bAlAssone, MAriA boni, GiovAnni di MAio and iGor M. villA |
4. | Quantitative chemistry and compositional variability of fluorine fibrous amphiboles from Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy) simonA mAzziotti-tAgliAni, giovAnni b. Andreozzi, biAgio m. bruni, Antonio giAnfAgnA, AlessAndro PAcellA and luigi PAoletti |
5. | Ankangite from the Monte Arsiccio mine (Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy): occurrence, crystal structure, and classification problems in cryptomelane group minerals Cristian Biagioni, Paolo orlandi and MarCo PasEro |
6. | Mineralogical-petrographic characterisation and provenance of “Porta Nuova” stones: A XVI century gate in Ravenna (Italy) Marta Marocchi, Francesco Dellisanti, Giuseppe Maria BarGossi, GiorGio Gasparotto, Gian carlo Grillini and pierMaria luiGi rossi |
7. | A new light on Black-Gloss Tiberine manufactures: the Colle Rosetta settlement (Latium, Italy). A preliminary study Paola MorbidElli and FlaMinia VErga |
8. | Post-medieval glass from the Castle of Cosenza, Italy: chemical characterization by LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS Donatella Barca, Maurizio aBate, Gino Mirocle crisci and DoMenico De PresBiteris |