Volume 94, No. 2
1. | Melanin pigment producing marine actinobacterium of Nocardiopsis sp. isolated from marine sediment samples and their anticancer potential against breast cancer cell line ROSHAN A, Dr D. EZHILARASAN and Dr P. SIVAPERUMAL DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14959670 | 1 – 15 | |
2. | Sustainability Of Sugar Cane Farming In The Province East Java Indonesia M SAMSUL ARIFIEN, TEGUH SOEDARTO, HAMIDAH HENDRARINI, EKO NURHADI and RAMDAN HIDAYAT DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14959874 | 16 – 25 | |
3. | Petrography, Geochemistry, Tectonic-Magmatic Setting, and Petrogenesis of Gabbroic Rocks in the Robat-Shahr Babak Area, Kerman, Iran Sheida Akmali, Abbas Moradiana, Hamid Ahmadipourb and Massimo Tiepoloc DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14991858 | 26 – 58 | |
4. | Mineral-chemistry and geochemistry of pyroxenite xenoliths in trachytic and leucitite lavas of the Islamic Peninsula (Northwest of Iran – East of Lake Urmia) Mousa Akbarzadeh Laleh, Nasir Amel and Mohsen Moayyed DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.15010171 | 59 – 94 |